Thursday, September 30, 2010

You lovelies are the best, seriously. I love you!

well i'm back on track, 266.0 this afternoon, so in the morning i should be 264 or less. i love you all. i think i'm back again for a while at least.

to get you all up to speed on my life here's what's happened
-took and failed my driver's exam
-re-took and passed my driver's exam (FUCK YES!)
-had a killer cold (sorry, i really couldn't read blogs much, i will catch up though!)
-ate like no ones business (nasty little me)
and that's about it.

well, i have loads of homework still, that never changes. *sigh* not much to say except that i'm glad i'm back and that i could use your support.

i'm gonna catch up on the reading i've missed since i was sick.

Unadulterated love for each and every one of you,

here's to what we will all acheive.

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