Thursday, October 14, 2010

haha, lost more weight, dunno whether it's b/c i'm sick or if my body has FINALLY given in but i don't care. i'm 257.3 . a 40.37 BMI, so close. so far all i've had to eat is 1/2 a juice/protien drink (220 cal) and i'm thinking i need to be leinient the rest of this week, i need my strength. so my max is 800 but preferably 600. i'm also supercharging my diet with protien this week to get over this cold.

went to the docter's yesterday, they gave me sterioids for me asthma b/c it's been getting worse lately. and i got anti-biotics for my cold. and i got to stay homw another day. it's gonna be a BITCH getting caught up in all my classes, oh well, more work to make me eat food less. *sigh* well i have to be off of here by the time my mmom gets home at 2pm so i better start reading what i missed yesterday.


black and white thinspo today. to remind you of the simple things in life.

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