Sunday, October 10, 2010

hehe, small update.

well, tomarrow is a fast, like a real fast. and if i absolutely HAVE to have something i'll have carrots or broccoli. and i would really love it if i could make until wensday till i ate. and then wensday would be liquids only. *sigh* we'll see. one of my cats killed a chipmunk today and left it's decomposing body and entrails for me to move off of the driveway. he just had to decapitiate it too. he was playing with it for like 20 minutes before he finally killed it. if that doesn't put you off food, i dunno what will. today was probably below 400 cal all together and i plan to keep it under 500 for the rest of the night. i didn't count real well today.

kk, i have a paper to type, a book to read and another worksheet to do, not to mention laundry to get started and (hopefully) finish, gots'ta go.

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