Wednesday, October 13, 2010

holylovingmotherofgod, i lost weight! this is estatic news. i'm now a rotund but smaller 259.6 lbs and i'm almost outta the 40's in BMI (40.76 i think). I'm officialy outta the 260's...NEVER to return. EVER. AGAIN.

well, apparently i cought my little brothers gripe (sorry for all you who don't speak french, it's like a cold and a flu had babies.) i have a sore throat with that nasty phlem crap, and my head feels like there are elephants at play in it. butttt, good news is that i have been relegated to jello, soup, water and pudding and ice cream (hahaha, like i'd touch those sweets after what they've done to me. *spits on ice cream and pudding containers*)

well, that about drys my wit and thoughts up, i'm off to sleep and read a book.

this ladies and gents (if your out there??) is the wonderful and AMAZINGLY TINY Maggie Q.

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