Friday, October 15, 2010

I. suck. suck. suck. oh well. for the last 2 days since i've been "lax" about cal intakes i've gone over. my mom brought home doughnuts from her meeting and a "white" pizza. don't think i went over 2000 but still, i'm a fucking hefer. definately gained back that weight. stupid.

it's homecoming weekend and me, being too cool for school, is going to cedar point with my friend and one of her church friends. and my friend's parents but they are just dropping us off. i'm gonna have an entire day at an amusement park surrounded by fried FAT and 40 bucks to blow. i'll try REALLY hard girls but i can't make promises.

i have a little homework(math, RFC *reading for college*, and AP. Gov.) butttt... i now officially have a GPA of 3.9, i brought it up from 3.1 at the start of this year. you guys have no idea how estatic i am. i am 1.1 points away from a perfect GPA. i could die, i'm so happy.

also, as of that cold i had, well, now i can't hear my ears are poping so bad and i can't breath out of my nose. i feel like shit, but the only way for me to breath is to stand up and walk, so hello paceing those calories goodbye.

gotsta get back up to date on all your guy's blogs. i send showers of love your way.

tummy MAGIC thinspo today.

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