Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ok, 2 days down, only maybe 600 cal intake in 2 days, i'm giving it an passing grade in fasting. tomarrow will be liquids only. and then maybe only veggies and fruit the rest of the week. sounds good to me.

ok, stream my thoughts for a bit so skip if you don't wanna hear.
well, in Eco-Geo class (ecology/geology, i have NO idea why i took it, but i digress) there is an asshat. he sits in front of me and basically has a stupid thing to say every moment of the day. anywho, i have had words with him before seeing as he is an asshat and is throughly DISGUSTING. he farts...yeah, he's like a child. well, today i actually talked to him (i usually give him no mind and a stony silence) and now i kinda hate myself. i really don't wanna talk to him BUTTT, there's no point in devoting my time and effort in avoiding him, is there. anyway, just thoughts in my head.

love to you all, i have no more to say so i leave you with pictures of beauties and the promise of another thinspo post(i'm thinking bathing suits??), maybe friday.

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