Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sorry for ya'll reading this, i have an apology to make:

oh fuck, god i must sound like one of those fake bitches who purposfuly get people's names wrong, GOD, sorry, it was HARLEY's idea of which i spoke of 2 posts ago. Seriously, and totally honestly, i'm sorry. i feel really bad now, god, sorry again. damn... i don't think i can say sorry enough, so just imagine me saying it over and over through out this post, k?

anyway, it's been a shit day, i'm in a shit mood, i've eaten like shit and might as well be a pile of shit. rained all day and it's been so cold that even when you're warm you still FEEL the cold inside your bones, yeah. ate pretty well until i came home and then i had too much to list. yuck. i'm starting my fast over again. (it was supposed to start today)

and i have a plan,7 days, all liquid (soup, tea, water, diet coke and applesauce b/c i have like an ENTIRE carton of unused ones at 50 cal each and they aren't solid) under no circumstances am i allowed to go over 400 cal. preferably 300. and if i go over i HAVE to work it off (be it doing dishes or wii fit games or whatev.) and if i eat solid foods then i start over. it doesn't matter if i'm at day 6.9 i go back to 1. and once i'm there we'll see about taking it longer, if i feel i can.

Beauty on the inside can't be seen until brought about by strengh of mind and body,

P.S. - to harley, SORRY!!!!! um...this thinspo is for you, k? hope it makes up for me being a stupid person.

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