Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DreamHost's Hypothetical Question

Alexander spotted an interesting question in a recent DreamHost survey: "If DreamHost were to be acquired by Google, I would... (a) consider leaving (b) take no action".

DreamHost is a popular web hosting service. According to Wikipedia, "in 2009, the company began offering free web application hosting. Either with their own domain, or with a free subdomain, customers are able to make use of a number of open source applications, such as WordPress and MediaWiki without charge. The service is similar to, and can be integrated with, the Google App Engine."

Ironically, DreamHost says that it's "a tight-knit family and we're not looking to sell out to investors or media conglomerates or other gigantic companies who care more about the bottom line than providing solid web hosting."

Web hosting is one of the few important missing features from Google Apps. Right now, Google offers a basic service for creating web sites, which is better suited for wikis, and a platform for web apps.

{ Thanks, Alexander. }

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