Thursday, June 10, 2010

last exam today...yipeeeee

I had my first uni exam on Tuesday and was a tad nervous before I got there...I hope I did OK. I have the last one today and I have a memory like a sieve so it should be a challenge to remember a whole essay I have written out for it. No notes in this exam...I'm kind of scared. Anyhow.....It feels like I have done nothing but read History and Law books for the last few I have a little list of things I want to do in the six week break of study.

  • Read books which have nothing to do with what I am studying

  • Write something for Bianca...I was mail tagged ages ago and feel very bad I haven't sent anything back.

  • Draw/Paint some more

  • Help my Mumma clear out my late Gran's flat ready for my Great Aunt to move in

  • Change the photos around the house

  • Clean out my linen cupboard

Okay I could keep writing mundane things here...but I will stop now.

Yummy garlic mushroom omelette made during the week

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