Thursday, June 24, 2010

So we have a new prime minister...will she bring back the egg and spoon race?

image from here

So now Australia has a new prime minister...A FEMALE PM. That to me is wonderful....and then I hear she is an Atheist. This little bit of info has not been confirmed but I do hope the rumours are true. It just may give me a little faith in her abilities if she doesn't believe in a fictional man above the clouds. Many people are scouring the net for funny things to say about Miss Gillard but I do not wish to say anything bad about the woman, I want to give her a chance to prove she is capable of doing a fine job. People keep referring to the fact she is a redhead or in bogan terms 'ranga'. What has hair colour got to do with anything?. Then I keep hearing 'look out for the country's demise now a woman is running it'.....oh my goodness....people are never happy no matter who the PM is. Lets just hope Tony Abbot isn't ever voted in as that man seriously has come straight from the 50's on a mission to take us all back there.
Today I watched my little 5 year old son at his school sports carnival. He ran, skipped, hopped and jumped....but they no longer have the egg and spoon race....I feel he has been deprived of an important part of childhood.

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