Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The good, the bad and the ugly

hey... well, i wasn't strong enough. i came off the fast by eating the pizza, and some yougurt rasins and some potato chips. around 700 cal. I SUCK. :( well, this morning i wake up and weight myself to asses the damage, but guess what ,some god that cares for me out there made me weight 244.5 this morning. that's 13.9 lbs in 1 day...from a binge. no laxies. no puking. nothing. i have no clue in hell how it happened but i don't care. so this morning i was ESTATIC to say the least.

anywho, i'm thinking pics for you guys, and maybe some new jeans for me, i need them. today only 157 calories consumed (50 cal soup, 2 chocolate covered graham crackers and 2 sticks of light gum)

dinner is half a container of sushi (300 cal) so that will be 457 cals in one day. i'm content. all this week i wanna stay below 600 cal and maybe next week i'll do less cals and more negitive veggies.

love and strength,

i love these picture, the light quality makes them look so ethereal.

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