Thursday, December 16, 2010

hey girls, i've been CRUSHED with work, tonight alone i have to finish an Ap. English project to turn in tomarrow, i have 3 1pg, 25 point essays due tomarrow for my Ap. Gov class, and the teacher man grade really tough. i have a paper on Ben Franklin due tomarrow too (can you gues that tomarrow is the beginning of Winter Break?? haha) eyeyey. Oi. i've been working 4 hours straight with H to get these projects done, as she said it "my brain is goo, kill me now."

I've been eating pretty well, mostly in the high hundreds for the last week. winter break will mark the 2 and a half week period that i will try to eat as little food as physically possible while still keeping my "normal" facade going. my mom is starting to think somethings up, she found a thrown out McDonald's fish fillet and fries in the trash and was wierd around me for a day. oh well, if she's really concerned she'll tell me. the next 2 weeks will definately be in the low hundreds if not 0 cals if i have ANY say in it.

love you all, and happy holiday wishes,
your little Elle.

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