Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh disappointed in you, Naomi Wolf.

I have read all Naomi Wolf's books. I thoroughly enjoyed them all. Although I have not always agreed with her opinion on everything, I have always thought very highly of her....but I now feel very disappointed. I am a supporter of Julian Assange and what he stands for and yeah it looks mighty suss with the timing of this all ...But Naomi's Dear Interpol letter while funny in some ways, is not very well thought out for a smart woman. She sounds like she is pretty much attacking the alleged victims and she sounds like she doesn't like know the type...'I am a feminist.. but I'm all for the guys' type of woman. I'm wondering why she didn't full on attack Sweden's really fucked up laws. The way I see it is that Swedes really have a flawed legal system with no one ever really knowing where the line is drawn for rape or no rape. From what I've read, the alleged victims credibility sounds questionable, but its not up to me to decide what happened as I wasn't there. Oh Naomi, you could have said it it so much better.

Can't afford 'em buttons - This shirt is on sale for $9 US!!

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