Sunday, March 6, 2011

*sound of dumptruck unloading mass amounts of responsibilty on my head*

hey loves,

welllll, as stated above i officially have NO time...ever. after this upcomming weekend i'll be free-er. my school's play opens this upcomming weekend so all my afterschool and night time is devoted to rehersals and set construction. i have homework on top of that and then normal necessities (sleep, eat...yuck let's just say, and whatever else i can do). Along with TAB and chores, i'm swamped.

ok, so with the SGD i'm on day 7, so far i've cheated a bit, quite a bit actually, but haven't had a day above 1200. tomarrow is day 8.

i'll ttyl (no time for words anymore @.@)

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