Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Team Robbo - The Sell-Out Tour @ Signal Gallery London

8th April - 7th May 2011

Already a legend within the international graffiti community, London’s ‘King Robbo’ will soon lead his entire UK crew (known to the world as ‘Team Robbo’) into Signal Gallery for their first gallery show of the year.

Team Robbo is an intentionally amorphous and anonymous graffiti crew, which has now grown into The Team Robbo Network. Its presence stretches across the world, overseas members working in collaboration with their UK counterparts. 

Team Robbo UK will be represented in this show by core crew members: ROBBO, CHOCI-ROC, DOZE, FUEL, PRIME and P.I.C. – some of whom have worked together as a crew for around 25 years! 

They will be supported by the artist known as ‘Pranksky’, who provides coverage of Team Robbo’s continuing war with street artists via his media organization, Prank Sky Media. His work is described as hybrid art (merging art, photography and graffiti) providing a commentary on the ongoing art feud between street artists and graffiti writers that has received considerable media attention.

Several members of Team Robbo are already well-known to members of the street art/ graffiti community and to art collectors alike. This stemmed from several very successful shows last year, including Robbo's solo show at The Pure Evil Gallery plus Fuel & Prime's work in 'The Architects' Group Show at The Atom Rooms in London. Prime's controversial piece 'The Age of Shiva' was widely publicised when it appeared again last year in Pictures on Walls' show - 'Marks and Stencils' before Christmas.

The crew’s new show, ‘The Sell-Out Tour’ (which can be interpreted in a variety of ways), will be the first time that Team Robbo UK have exhibited in a gallery together. It will showcase an impressive variety of their work: prints, canvases, sculpture and photographic work. The photographs trace Team Robbo’s joint output, (both legal and illegal) over the years. They will be shown alongside new solo work where crew members push forward the graffiti genre and develop their own work in highly divergent and novel artistic directions. The show is expected to tour the world after the Signal Gallery launch.

The show offers a rare chance to both view and purchase original new works and prints by this notorious crew. All work shown is for sale. 

Quote by Robbo: “Nowadays nobody seems to care about talent anymore they’re just happy to be spoonfed shit, it’s like being stuck in X Factor.”

7th April: Private View and Press.
Writer's night (By invitation only).
8th April - 7th May: open to public.
32 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4LB
Tel: 07766 057 212

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